PM lauds Army Chief for securing financial commitments for IMF deal

PM also praises Bilawal Bhutto and Ishaq Dar

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said on Tuesday lauded Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir and others for their efforts in securing financial commitments of the friendly countries to fulfill one of the last conditions to ensure revival of ongoing International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme.
Addressing the allied parties in a meeting, he said negotiations with the IMF were in final phase.
The premier’s statement came during a meeting of allies part of the PML-N-led ruling coalition at the Centre, as he announced that negotiations with the IMF were in the final stages.
He specifically eulogized Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari for their tireless efforts to meet the IMF’s conditions and secure financial assurances from friendly nations.
“At this moment I will also say — even at the cost of reputation — that our army chief has also made tremendous efforts in this regard.”
The premier said he could not share further details regarding the army chief’s contributions and efforts, “but this is also a fact”.
He also praised the coalition parties for being united during the first year of the government which, according to him, was “worrisome” for the opposition.
The premier recalled that at the beginning of the ruling coalition’s tenure, the opposition and even some among the ruling allies were “not hopeful about the durability of the alliance”.
“However, all of the allied parties manifested their democratic spirit and played their constructive role to maintain unity and steer the country out of prevalent challenges,” he said.
PM Shehbaz said that despite differences on certain matters, the allied parties remained “united to face challenges inherited from the previous government”.
As for the disagreements among the allies, they were resolved through talks and discussions, the PM said. “Because in a democracy, decisions are made through consultation and not imposed.”
“Nowhere in the world has it ever happened that a court granted a stay on the implementation of a law even before its promulgation,” he said while referring to the Supreme Court’s ruling which narred the government from implementing a bill seeking to limit powers of the chief justice of Pakistan for constitution of benches and suo motu notices.
PM Shehbaz reiterated the coalition government’s resolve to overcome the “challenges it has taken up for sake of the country’s progress”.
“I again assure you that you have elected me your prime minister and I will try my best to live up to your expectations.” he said.

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