The Sacrifices Of APS Martyrs Will Never Be Forgotten Marking The 7th Anniversary Of Carnage Today

7 years ago on the 16th of December, 2014, APS Peshawar was attacked by a group of terrorists from the Tehreek-i-Taliban group who killed more than 150 children. The Day has been marked as the Black Day in history and the sacrifices of the martyrs will always be remembered. 

Chief Minister Usman Buzdur 

While expressing solidarity with the victims of the APS Peshawar attack, Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar stated that December 16 will always remind the nation of the great sacrifices of the Army Public School martyrs.

Furthermore, he added that the children and teachers of Army Public School will be remembered for their eternal sacrifices in their valiant fight against terrorism.

Moreover, he added, “the martyrs of APS have united the Pakistani nation against terrorism, the brave children have laid the foundation of a safe and peaceful Pakistan with their precious blood. The little flowers sacrificed their precious lives for a great cause. The great sacrifices of the martyred children gave new impetus and determination to the nation.”

Lastly, he said the martyred children and teachers are national heroes, and the government expresses its heartfelt condolences to the families of those killed in the APS attack.

Prime Minister Imran Khan made a post on Twitter and said, “Dec 16, 2014, terrorists attacked & martyred over 140 ppl incl 132 children in APS, Peshawar. Pak has successfully defeated terrorism. I reiterate we will never let down the survivors & parents of our martyred children. There is zero tolerance for violence & those using it as a tool.”

The Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi also made a tweet and said, “Today, 7 years ago, we lost our children and teachers in an inhuman terrorist attack. A black day for humanity. We will never forget.”

Furthermore, many people remembered the Martyrs in their hearts:

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