Pakistan marks146th Birth Anniversary of Allama Iqbal

A change of guards took place at his mausoleum

The nation on Thursday collectively honored the eminent Poet of the East, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, on his 146th birth anniversary.

In a poignant ceremony at the mausoleum of the revered poet, philosopher, and thinker, a change of guards took place, marking the solemnity of the occasion.

Commodore Sajid Hussain, Lahore station commander of Pakistan Navy, graced the ceremony as the chief guest, offering Fateha at the grave and recording his heartfelt thoughts in the guest book. A contingent of Pakistan Navy took over the guards’ duties, symbolizing respect and reverence.

Born on November 9, 1877, in Sialkot, Allama Iqbal’s influence on the cultural and political landscape of the Subcontinent is profound and everlasting. Recognized as the Poet of the East, he transcended traditional verse, becoming a visionary leader who ignited the spirit of independence among Muslims. His universal poetry, coupled with astute political insight, played a pivotal role in shaping the destiny of the Subcontinent.

A defining moment in Iqbal’s illustrious legacy was his historic address at Allahabad in 1930. In this landmark speech, he not only proposed the idea of an independent Muslim state but also provided clear direction to the Muslims of the Subcontinent, urging them to strive for the creation of Pakistan. This visionary stance laid the foundation for the establishment of a separate homeland for Muslims, marking a turning point in the region’s history.

As the nation pays homage to the great philosopher-poet, the resonance of his verses echoes through generations, instilling a profound sense of unity and identity among the people of Pakistan.

Iqbal’s literary and philosophical contributions extend far beyond poetry. His ideas and ideals have permeated the collective consciousness of the nation, shaping its cultural, political, and social ethos. His messages of self-discovery, spirituality, and unity have become guiding principles for individuals seeking inspiration and direction.

In today’s context, Iqbal’s teachings remain profoundly relevant. His emphasis on intellectual revival, self-awareness, and unity resonates deeply as societies grapple with challenges, offering a guiding light toward a brighter future.

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