Youm-e-Takreem Shuhada-e-Pakistan marked to pay tribute to martyrs

Rallies and events held across the country

Youm-e-Takreem Shuhada-e-Pakistan (Martyrs Reverence Day) was observed on Thursday across the country to pay glowing tributes to the martyrs and ghazis of the Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs), and also to express solidarity with their families.
Special prayers were offered in mosques for martyrs and peace, security and progress of the country. Rallies were held across the country to remember the sacrifices of LEAs and express solidarity with martyrs’ families.
Events were held in schools, colleges, universities, government and private departments for paying homage to the LEAs’ martyrs and Ghazis.
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, in his message, said the day was observed to pay glowing tributes to the nation’s heroes, Ghazis, and martyrs and expressed its unflinching solidarity with their families.
Calling the tragic and heart-rending events of May 9 a wake-up call, he said the nation has to identify and expose all such people who wanted to destroy the foundations of Pakistan. “May 9 has drawn up a dividing line between the protectors and builders of Pakistan and those who wish to weaken it.”
Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir, while addressing the families of the martyrs during his visit to the Police Lines, said the nation would neither forgive nor forget those who desecrated the memorials of martyrs and undermined their dignity and such behaviour would not be tolerated.
“What happened on May 9 is very sad and condemnable. Nothing can nullify the sacrifices of those martyrs who have been granted eternal life by Allah Almighty.”
Speaker of National Assembly Raja Pervez Ashraf also paid rich tribute to sacrifices rendered by martyrs of the Pakistan Army who sacrificed their lives for defending the motherland.
“The whole nation stands with Pakistan Army like an unbreakable mountain and would continue to guard the dignity and respect of our Martyrs till last breath.”
Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari while paying tribute to the martyrs said, “The nation is grateful to all martyrs … who sacrificed their lives while fighting valiantly in order to foil the nefarious ambitions of our enemy.”
Minister for Information and Broadcasting Marriyum Aurangzeb urged the nation to “say no to May 9″ by showing exemplary solidarity with the martyrs, Ghazis, defenders of the homeland and their families on ” Pakistan Martyrs Day.”
The minister said this was the day of changing the collective thinking of the nation and erasing the blot of May 9 by remembering the sacrifices of the martyrs.
Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah said “The martyrs are our benefactors, and nations that fail to remember those who sacrificed their lives for their people cannot exist for long.
He paid heartfelt tributes to the martyrs, quoting a Punjabi verse that translates to “when the blood of martyrs spills, it changes the destiny of nations.”
Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo said that loving the great martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the Pakistan Army and our motherland was a part of our faith.
Caretaker Chief Minister Punjab Mohsin Naqvi said the martyrs’ sacrifices served as a guiding light for the nation and emphasised that their mission of protecting and ensuring peace in the homeland would continue. He strongly condemned the violent events of May 9, terming them a black chapter in Pakistan’s history.
Azad Jammu and Kashmir Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq eulogized the sacrifices of the martyrs of the Pakistan armed forces, and condemned in strong terms the May 9 attacks on military installations and martyrs’ memorials.
He said that the nation was shocked over these vicious attacks that left deep scars on the hearts and minds of conscious citizens.
Pakistan Ulema Council Chairman and Prime Minister (PM) Special Representative on Interfaith Harmony and the Middle East, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mahmood expressed his heartfelt tribute to the courageous martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty for ensuring the security and sovereignty of the nation.
Emphasizing the unwavering commitment of the Pakistani nation, Ashrafi stated that Pakistan, its defense institutions, and Islam were their redlines underscoring that these principles were non-negotiable.
The Convener World Minorities Alliance (WMA) and former federal minister for population welfare, J Salik said every Pakistani reveres the martyrs of the nation with great pride and esteem as they are the guarantors of enduring peace.

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