Sindh Governor to contact Liaqat Ali Khan’s ailing son: Imran Khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan took notice of the financial issues faced by the son of the first Prime Minister of Pakistan (Liaqat Ali Khan), Akbar Ali Khan.

Imran Khan directed Imran Ismail, Governor of Sindh to immediately contact the family of Akbar Ali Khan. In addition to this, he also told the governor to make sure that all expenses are taken care of by the government and necessary treatment is provided.

The Sindh government also announced in a previous statement that the government will take care of all the medical expenses of Akbar Ali Khan. The Sindh government has also decided to pay the son of Shaheed-e-Millat a monthly allowance.

According to Syed Murad Ali Shah, Chief Minister, the Sindh government will not ignore the family of the first Prime Minister and make all the necessary arrangements needed for him Akbar Ali Khan to get better. 

Dr. Arif Alvi, President of Pakistan, also visited the residence of Akbar Ali Khan to check up on him and his medical condition.

The President spent ample time with the family and prayed for Akbar’s speedy recovery.

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