Remains of 9 Pakistanis killed in Iran being airlifted from Taftan

Terrorists killed Pakistani nationals in Sistan

Pakistan will airlift the mortal remains of nine Pakistanis, who were killed in Iran by terrorists the other day, from Taftan border to Multan, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson on Wednesday.

“The mortal remains of nine Pakistani nationals, who were killed in a terrorist attack in Sistan, Baluchestan Province of Iran on 27 January 2024, are being airlifted today from Taftan border to Multan. May Allah grant them the highest abodes in heaven. Our thoughts and prayers are with their loved ones,” said the statement posted on X formerly Twitter by the MoFA.

Iran’s local media has reported the incident in the Sirkan neighborhood of Saravan city, located in the Sistan-Baluchestan province near the Pakistan border.

It said, unidentified armed individuals entered a house, resulting in the loss of nine lives of non-Iranian origin. Additionally, three Pakistanis sustained injuries during the indiscriminate firing.

The deceased individuals hailed from various regions in Punjab, specifically Multan, Muzaffargarh, and Bahawalpur districts.

Notably, no group or individual has claimed responsibility for the attack, leaving the motive behind the incident unclear.

In response to the violence, Pakistan has called for a comprehensive investigation and swift prosecution of those responsible for this brutal act.

The Foreign Office (FO), in the statement, said it had been actively engaging with Iranian authorities, emphasizing the urgency of probing the incident and holding the perpetrators accountable. Condemning the attack as “horrifying and despicable,” the FO underscores the need for justice in this matter.

Following the tragedy, relatives of the victims expressed their grief through protests in front of the assistant commissioner’s office in Alipur.

They have appealed to the Pakistani government to ensure the prompt return of the bodies of their loved ones for burial in their respective native towns.







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