Massive protests across Pakistan against Israeli aggression in Gaza

1,799 Palestinians and over 1,300 Israelis lost lives

Hundreds of Pakistanis took to the streets in various cities across the country on Friday to protest againt Israel’s siege and intense bombing campaign on the Gaza Strip.
The protesters demanded an immediate end to the oppression faced by the Palestinian people, as the conflict between Israel and Hamas escalated.
Gaza, home to 2.3 million people, has been under siege by the Israeli military following a surprise offensive by the Hamas group.
The conflict between Israel and Palestine has reached a grim milestone, with at least 1,799 Palestinians and over 1,300 Israelis losing their lives in the recent Israel-Hamas war. Among the casualties, 583 Palestinian children have tragically perished, with thousands more wounded in the Israeli attacks.
The situation worsened after Israel’s military called for the relocation of over a million civilians in Gaza City within 24 hours, prompting warnings from the UN about devastating humanitarian consequences.
In Lahore, the Jamaat e Islami Pakistan organized a massive rally at Mall Road, where scores of women and children waved Palestinian flags.
Addressing the gathering, JI Emir Sirajul Haq criticized the US and European countries for supporting Israel, demanding that Muslim nations unite for the Palestinian cause.
In Karachi, supporters of Majlis Wahdat-i-Muslimeen and Jamaat e Islami protested against the atrocities in Gaza. The MWM demanded an immediate end to the oppression faced by the people of Gaza, condemning the Zionist occupation of Palestine.
Separately, the JUI-F held a protest urging Muslim world leaders to speak up against the violence. Similar protests were organized by other political parties in Quetta, Zhob, Jaffarabad, and Surab, where Israeli flags were burned to symbolize their condemnation of Israel’s actions.
Protest rallies were held in Malakand and Hazara divisions against Israeli atrocities in Gaza Palestine. Demonstrators on the Karakoram Highway demanded the United Nations intervene to stop the genocide of Palestinians.
Protester Shahid Husain expressed public frustration, emphasizing the need for Muslim nations to stand with Palestine against Israel and the US.
In the capital city, the Majlis Wahdat-i-Muslimeen organized a rally where protesters displayed banners reading ‘No Compromise on Gaza’ and ‘Stop Genocide of Palestinians’. Simultaneously, PTI supporters, despite facing resistance from the local administration, demonstrated against the Israeli aggression, highlighting the gravity of the situation.
These protests underscore the deep-rooted sentiment among Pakistanis and others worldwide, condemning the violence in Gaza and calling for international intervention to end the suffering of the Palestinian people.
The resounding message from these demonstrations is a plea for peace, justice, and solidarity with the people of Palestine in their struggle for freedom and self-determination.

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