FIA intercepts beggars posing as Umrah pilgrims

Major crackdown on begging racket

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) foiled an elaborate beggary racket, intercepting eight individuals disguised as Umrah pilgrims at Multan airport late Saturday night.
The FIA, in a news statement, revealed that the group, purportedly en route to Saudi Arabia, was actually planning to beg there.
The beggars reportedly handed over a substantial sum, amounting to Rs185,000, to a man named Mr. Javed, who facilitated their visa processing.
Shockingly, their intention was to beg abroad, with half of their earnings slated to be handed over to a sub-agent.
Upon their arrival at the immigration counter, discrepancies in their statements raised suspicions, leading to further investigation.
The FIA confiscated their passports and statements, detaining the individuals and transferring them to FIA’s Anti Human Trafficking and Smuggling Wing in Multan for legal proceedings.
A case is now being registered against the culprits under the Trafficking in Persons Act, 2018, as the FIA intensifies its crackdown on alleged beggars attempting to travel overseas. This incident follows another operation just two days ago, where the FIA intercepted 16 beggars disguised as Umrah pilgrims on a flight bound for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from the same airport.
These arrests come on the heels of a disclosure by the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development to the Senate Committee on Overseas Pakistanis.
The ministry’s secretary unveiled startling statistics, indicating that a staggering 90% of beggars apprehended in foreign countries originate from Pakistan. The gravity of the situation was underscored by reports from both Iraqi and Saudi ambassadors, citing overcrowded jails due to these arrests.

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