Rocket launcher shell explosion claims nine lives in Sindh’s Kandhkot

Childern brought rocket launcher home from agricultural land

A rocket launcher’s explosion shattered the peace in the Ghora Ghat area of Sindh’s Kandhkot district, claiming the lives of nine individuals, including five innocent children.
Five others also sustained injuries in the devastating incident, leaving the community in shock and mourning.
The official sources in police provided insight into the tragic event, revealing that the incident occurred within the confines of a house located in the kutcha (riverine) region.
The preliminary investigation conducted by the police unveiled a harrowing sequence of events: children stumbled upon the rocket launcher on agricultural land and inadvertently brought it into their home, where the device tragically detonated.
Swift response teams, including rescue personnel, immediately rushed to the scene upon receiving reports of the explosion.
They worked tirelessly to transport the bodies of the deceased and the injured individuals to the nearest hospital for medical attention.
The law enforcement agency swiftly initiated an investigation into the incident, aiming to shed light on the circumstances surrounding the tragedy.
In the wake of this devastating occurrence, Sindh’s caretaker Chief Minister, Maqbool Baqar, expressed deep concern and took prompt action by seeking a comprehensive report from Inspector-General (IG) Dr. Riffat Mukhtar.
The interim Chief Minister posed critical questions, demanding to know how a rocket launcher had found its way into the village.
“Was there a hidden stockpile of weapons being smuggled into the kutcha areas?” he inquired.
“Are there individuals aiding and abetting criminals in the village? A thorough and detailed report must be submitted to address these pressing concerns,” he emphasized, underscoring the importance of uncovering the truth behind this tragic incident.

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