Imran Khan demands impartial probe into vandalism, arson during protest

CJP led panel should do investigation

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan on Saturday demanded an independent and complete investigation into incidents of vandalism and arson during the protests which were held across the country after his arrest in a graft case.
“I want an independent and complete investigation on the burning of state buildings and firing at unarmed youth protesters. But I want the chief justice of Pakistan to make a panel under him for this,” he said while addressing his workers.
The Chairman of PTI has claimed that his party has always been a nonviolent political group, which was reflected from its past track record.
He believed that the recent act of vandalism was caused by several other factors and, therefore, he was calling for an impartial judicial commission to investigate the matter and present the facts to the public.
Imran Khan urged women to join a peaceful revolution by displaying hand-written placards outside their homes.
Khan believed that a revolution was already taking place within every house in the country, and it was time to take it to the streets.
The placards should bear the slogans “Haqeeqi Azadi” (true freedom) and “Aain bachao, Pakistan bachao” (save the Constitution, save Pakistan), he said asking women to display the placards for one hour from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
He emphasized that a political party cannot be eliminated by means of force or imprisonment, suggesting that it was important for individuals to broaden their perspectives and come out of their limited, closed-off spaces.
By forming larger, more diverse circles, people can collaborate to find solutions to save their country from further destruction, he said, while urging the people to consider his appeal seriously.
Imran Khan also responded to criticism of the Army on him and said: “[DG] ISPR sahib, you gave some statements while I was in jail. I want to respond to them.
“You said I am a hypocrite, that no one else harmed the army to the extent that I did, and that you will crush [us].
“DG ISPR sahib, listen to me carefully. I was representing my country around the world when you were not even born […] I have defended my army at all forums.
“Was the image of the army good while I was the prime minister or not? People liked the army.
“When an army chief stabbed me in the back and brought to power Pakistan’s most infamous criminals, then, was it because of me that people criticised the army?
“It is not because of me but the army chief’s actions that the army is being criticised.”

Imran Khan expressed concerns over a media clampdown that occurred immediately after his arrest.
According to him, only the state’s version of events was circulated, which was provided by “handlers”.
He criticized lack of diversity in the media’s coverage, stating that all channels were being given the same feed without any independent analysis or reporting.
He also questioned the wisdom of such an approach and suggested that it may not be in the best interest of the public.

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