PTI’s leader Ali Zaidi arrested from Sindh

PTI leaders condemned and criticized arrest

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Information Secretary Farrukh Habib on Saturday said the Sindh Police had arrested Senior PTI leader Ali Zaidi from Sindh.
According to him, the president of PTI’s Sindh Chapter was arrested from the party office located in Sindh.

The arrest of Ali Zaidi was criticized by the PTI leaders including Imran Khan, Shireen Mazari, Sayed Zulfiqar Bukhari, Omar Ayub and others.
Condemning arrest of another PTI leader from Sindh, PTI Chairman Imran Khan termed the arrest part of the “London Plan where Nawaz given assurances PTI would be crushed.”
“ Over 3000 PTI workers arrested, abducted, terrorised. Ali Amin & now Ali Zaidi abducted. A new plan (is) underway for more illegal police plus action in Zaman Park after 27 Ramazan or over Eid,” Imran Khan tweeted.
“ They think this will weaken us in case elections are held. Let me state categorically this will not work. People’s anger only increasing & they will see the blowback of this nefarious London Plan in elections,” the PTI chief added to his tweet.

“Tehreek-e-Insaf President Ali Zaidi has been arrested without any warrant, this system of cruelty and oppression is not acceptable in any way,” said Senior Vice President of PTI Chaudhry Fawad Hussain in a tweet.

PTI leader Shireen Mazari also condemned the arrest and termed it illegal.
“Another PTI leader, Ali Zaidi, President Sindh, abducted without any warrant from PTI office in Karachi. Notice the plainclothes men leading the arrest,” said Shireen Mazari.

“Who are the people in plain clothes & with the muffler? Pls identify them. Look at the way they are pushing. This Imported Govt has reduced us to a Banana Republic,” Omar Ayub said while sharing the video of arrest.

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