Military leadership briefs parliamentarians on National Security

In camera briefing was followed by NSC moot

The top military leadership on Friday briefed the Parliamentarians in an in-camera sitting of the National Assembly (NA) on prevailing security situation in the country.
The special session was presided over by National Assembly Speaker Raja Pervaiz Ashraf and attended by a large number of parliamentarians.
According to a National Assembly Secretariat notice, the agenda of the meeting was “briefing on current issues of the National Security”. In it, an invitation was extended to all the federal ministers, advisers to the prime minister, MNAs, and special invitees.

The special session was followed by the National Security Committee meeting which resolved to launch a comprehensive operation to eliminate terrorists from across the country.
The same meeting noted that resurrection of terrorism in the country was due to wrong policies pursued by the previous government in case of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan.
In today’s session, some media reports cited Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir as saying that negotiations with militants in the past helped terrorists regroup in the country.
“Alhamdulillah, there is no no-go area in Pakistan at this time. A large number of martyrs laid down their lives for this success. They shed their blood for the country,” he noted
The COAS said terrorists had no other option but to accept the state’s writ and noted that they regrouped due to the state’s willingness to negotiate with them.

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