Politically reinstated Sharif speaks out of desire for ‘working with all’

Grand Jalsa held at Minar-e-Pakistan for elder Sharif on return

Nawaz Sharif delivered around-an-hour address in a jam-packed Minar-e-Pakistan’s ground on Saturday marking end of his self-exile in London where he stayed almost 4 years after a breakdown of his relations with the powers that be especially after Dawn Leaks in 2016 that involved disclosure of a civil-military leadership’s meeting by his government.

Resultantly, he was barred from the politics and now his reentry presents completely different Nawaz Sharif who spoke out of his desire to work with all the institutes vowing not to pursue the politics of revenge particularly referring to Imran Khan.

Nawaz who once was all ablaze against specific officials of some institutions completely changed his narrative that reflected from his somewhat an emotional speech that mainly focused on performance of his party while being in the government, six-year long ordeal of himself along with his family and party leaders, his patriotism for the home land and love for the people of Pakistan.

Nawaz Sharif highlighted the gravity of the economic situation in the country and stressed the need for unified actions to steer the country out of its crises. “The country cannot move forward until we all make joint efforts and this is crux of my 40 years political experience,” he remarked.

Nawaz Sharif emphasizing the enduring strength of his bond with his supporters said ‘I am meeting you today after several years, but my love for you remains unwavering. This connection between us knows no bounds.

With unwavering conviction, Nawaz Sharif asserted his steadfastness, proclaiming that he had never betrayed his supporters and had willingly embraced numerous sacrifices. He reminisced about the challenging times when false accusations were hurled against him and his party members. ‘Even in the face of adversity, not a single soul abandoned the PML-N flag,’ he declared, his voice resolute.

A question hung in the air as Nawaz Sharif addressed the crowd: ‘Who are those who attempt to sever the deep-rooted connection between Nawaz Sharif and his nation?’

His response was in his legacy when he said that ‘We are the architects of Pakistan. We elevated our nation to the status of a nuclear power. We vanquished the darkness of load shedding, providing our people with abundant and affordable electricity,’ he proclaimed, his words resonating with pride.

The crowd erupted in cheers, their fervor mirrored in Nawaz Sharif’s eyes. Responding to their exuberance, he smiled, acknowledging their unspoken question. ‘I understand your desire to hear me say it — that I love you too,’ he said.

He shared the profound losses he had endured, the toll politics had taken on his personal life. His voice softened as he spoke of his inability to bid a final farewell to his mother, father, and wife. The pain of those moments lingered, a reminder of the personal sacrifices intertwined with his political journey.

Other than that, PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif lamented the widespread unemployment and poverty that had afflicted the nation.

He said if economic policies of his first government of 1991 were pursued, the unemployment would have been eradicated, and poverty would have been a thing of the past.

“In the framework of my 1990 economic model, Pakistan would have been a land where not a single person would face unemployment, where poverty would be a distant memory. But alas, today’s reality is grim. Families are grappling with the dilemma of whether they can provide for their children’s basic needs or afford to pay their electricity bills,” Sharif remarked.

Addressing the economic challenges faced by ordinary citizens, Sharif underscored that these difficulties did not solely emerge during the Shehbaz Sharif-led government but had deep roots, stretching back over a significant period.

He questioned the reasons behind his ousting, asserting that his administration had been dedicated to transforming Pakistan into an economic powerhouse, aspiring to elevate the nation to the esteemed ranks of the G20.

“Is this the reason I was removed? During my tenure, we were on the path to making Pakistan the Asian Tiger. Despite the hurdles and protests, I continued to work tirelessly for the welfare of the public,” he declared, his words resonating with conviction.

Earlier upon arrival, a visibly emotional PML-N supremo embraced his daughter Maryam and greeted other party leaders on stage.

The elder Sharif arrived in Islamabad in the afternoon, where he completed legal and biometric formalities. His chartered plane landed in the capital city with more than 150 people from his party and media organisations, the PML-N said.

The reason Nawaz arrived in Islamabad first was that his touchdown in the capital was necessary to make bail, earlier granted by the Islamabad High Court on Oct 19.

After completing the formalities, Nawaz left for Lahore and reached his hometown a little after 5pm. He was welcomed by his younger brother Shehbaz Sharif and other party leaders at the airport.


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