Aisha Pasha urges IMF official to refrain from interfering in political matters

IMF Mission Chief commented on Pakistan's political situation a day earlier

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Mission Chief Nathan Porter on Wednesday faced criticism from Minister of State for Finance and Revenue Dr. Aisha Ghaus Pasha as he commented on the country’s political situation.
Minister Pasha has urged Porter not to interfere in domestic political matters, emphasizing that the IMF usually refrained from making such comments.
Porter’s remarks came as Pakistan awaits the signing of a long-delayed staff-level agreement, which would unlock $1.1 billion in financing as part of a $7 billion IMF package aimed at alleviating the nation’s financial struggles.
Talking to media here, Minister Pasha stated that the official statement from Porter had not been communicated to the government, and she was unaware of the specifics of his remarks.
She described the IMF’s comments as extraordinary, as it is unusual for the organization to comment on domestic politics in the countries it engages with.
When asked if the matter would be raised with the IMF’s Managing Director, Minister Pasha clarified that it had not been discussed yet.
While the IMF prepares to discuss Pakistan’s budget plans for the upcoming financial year, Minister Pasha assured that the finance ministry was preparing the budget in consideration of the country’s ongoing IMF program and its continuous engagement with the organization.
She emphasized the government’s intention to provide relief to the common person and avoid adding further burdens amid challenging conditions.
Minister Pasha dismissed speculation regarding a difference of opinion between Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on dialogue with the IMF, stating that the entire economic team was united in their approach.
Regarding the expiration of the IMF program on June 30, Minister Pasha noted that extending it again was not currently being discussed, as it had already been extended once. The decision on whether to enter into another IMF program would be considered once the current program reaches its conclusion.

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