Nation Observes Youm-e-Istehsal

Pakistan observes Youm-e-Istehsal today (Thursday – 5th August) to express its solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiris. Today marks two years of military siege in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir. Modi Government took the autonomous status of Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir on 5th August 2019.

Several events have been organized to condemn India’s unilateral and illegal actions against the Kashmiri people. One-mile solidarity walks will be held in all the major cities, including the federal capital. In Islamabad, President Arif Alvi will lead the march.

The walkers will be wearing black bands and carrying Pakistani and Azad Kashmiri flags. Across the country, one minute of silence will be observed. Traffic will be suspended for one minute, with sirens sounding. National Anthem will be played on Television Channels and Radio exactly after the one-minute silence.

Posters and Billboards have been placed to draw attention to the distress of the Kashmiris. The main aim is to expose the atrocities of the troops of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The Minister of foreign affairs Shah Mehmood Qureshi has organized a rally to commemorate the Kashmiris. He said that Pakistan will always be there to help the Kashmiris and added that Kashmir’s freedom is not too far away.

The President, Arif Alvi while speaking to the rally said that unless Kashmir has received its rightful liberation, no Pakistani will rest till then. There will be no talks held with New Delhi until unilateral actions are reversed in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir.

The prime minister urged the world community to hold India accountable for its atrocities against the Kashmiri people, especially the United Nations, human rights organizations, and the international media.

The Prime Minister said that we will continue to help Kashmiris in every way we can until their basic right to self-determination is realized. In conformity with relevant UNSC resolutions and the demands of the Kashmiri people, a just resolution to the Jammu and Kashmir dispute must be approved.

Imran Khan said that extra-judicial killings, torture, and deaths in custody, arbitrary detentions, house burning and looting to impose collective punishment, and other types of human rights abuses continue to plague Kashmiris. He expressed Pakistan’s deep admiration for the people of Indian-occupied Kashmir for their unmatched bravery, sacrifices, and perseverance in the face of Indian tyranny as they fought for their legitimate right to self-determination.

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