Pak Army foils infiltration attempt of 3 terrorists from Afghan side

Terrorists killed & weapons recovered

The Pakistan Army on the eve of New Year has not only foiled infiltration attempt of three terrorists from Afghan side, but also killed them in area of Batwar, Bajaur District.

According to the Inter-Services Public Relations, on 31st December 2023, movement of three terrorists, who were trying to infiltrate Pakistan – Afghanistan border, was picked up by security forces in area of Batwar, Bajaur District.

“After fire exchange, all three terrorists were sent to hell. Weapons, ammunition and explosives were also recovered from the killed terrorists,” it said in a news release.

In separate incident on night 30/31 December, terrorists from inside Afghanistan, “opened fire on a Pakistani Border Post in general area Spinwam, North Waziristan District”, as reported by one of the pro Pak Army handle on X formerly Twitter.

“Own troops responded in a befitting manner causing considerable losses to the terrorists. However, during the exchange of fire, Naik Abdul Rauf (age: 31 years, resident of: District Rahim Yar Khan), having fought gallantly, embraced Shahadat,” it said.

Pakistan has consistently been asking Interim Afghan Government to ensure effective border management on their side of the border.

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